Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

Life in the Gray: After Sandy Hook

I’m writ­ing to you from a fer­ry. Seat­ed alone on a mid­day cross­ing, star­ing into a mut­ed seascape. Ocean the green of beach glass, clouds shush­ing the sky; land’s faintest skele­ton peeks through sheets of rain. White­caps the only bright spots...

Boat Cats. Fishermen. Heaven.

Some of you know my weaknesses. Pie. Baked treats in gen­er­al. Delight­ful­ly pat­terned socks. Pens, paper, emp­ty note­books wait­ing to be filled. Fab­ric. Crafty peo­ple. Books. Bread and cheese. Those one-size-fit-all stretchy gloves. Hand­writ­ten cards....