Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

Boston: Before and After

I’ve been spend­ing some time off-line late­ly, friends. Ask­ing my house­mate to dis­con­nect the inter­nets before she goes to work, telling myself I don’t know how to plug it back in. Appar­ent­ly I need trick­ery like that to write a book. Mon­day...

Hooked’s Big News

(Hang on, sweet­ies… We’re going to take the scenic drive.) On Feb­ru­ary 22, after metic­u­lous­ly shep­herd­ing my pro­pos­al through revi­sion after revi­sion, my agent Pamela pro­nounced it ready to shop. “Let’s go,” she wrote. Time passed in a dizzy­ing...

Hooked Turns Two!

Birth­days are impor­tant to me, but I’ve been slip­ping late­ly. Just last week, I kept a close eye on the cal­en­dar, eager to call my dad on his high holy day. And I did call him – only to learn that I’d cir­cled a date two days past due. Oops....

Selling Words: Remembering My First Time

I’ve been think­ing about what it means to turn our expe­ri­ences into words to be shared with oth­ers. Also, the disin­gen­u­ous­ness of describ­ing this process as “shar­ing.” Almost all of the writ­ers I know hope to see their words val­ued not only in...

The Golden Scrub Brush

One after­noon last August, the Ner­ka bucked hard into a steep West­er­ly chop. Strug­gling to keep my bal­ance while flush­ing the blood out of a gut­ted king salmon, I groused under my breath. Only work half the year, watch whales, pret­ty much just...