Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

F/V Charity, North to Alaska

A moun­tain of unavoid­able boat projects caused a few days’ delay, but I’m now rea­son­ably cer­tain that the good ship Char­i­ty will pull out of Seattle’s Fisherman’s Ter­mi­nal today. As cer­tain as a deck­hand ever can be, that is. If...

How Nerka Got Her Sea Legs Back, Part 2

[Part 1 of “How Ner­ka Got Her Sea Legs Back” can be viewed here.] “Uh-oh,” Joel said. “Hang on!” We surged into a sea of white­caps, as clear­ly delin­eat­ed from the calm water behind as if a line was drawn between the two. I braced myself...

How Nerka Got Her Sea Legs Back (Part 1)

Crea­tures removed from their nat­ur­al habi­tat are a sad sight, and I feel the same way about boats out of water. Perched on spindly pros­thet­ic legs of steel tripods and wood­en blocks, they loom gan­g­ly and uncer­tain, vul­ner­a­ble bel­lies exposed...