Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

Postcard from NCI: A Writer’s Residency, Week One

Hi friends – Some of you know my Thanks­giv­ing falls at the end of Sep­tem­ber. Fishermen’s Thanks­giv­ing, where we cel­e­brate a safe and suc­cess­ful sea­son. The fourth Thurs­day of Novem­ber doesn’t ring true to me in the same way. This year is dif­fer­ent....

Signing Off, with an Invitation

Short­ly after my return Down South this Sep­tem­ber, I received a let­ter from my friend Sarah. A real, hon­est-to-good­ness let­ter: USPS-ush­ered from Seat­tle to Belling­ham, turquoise enve­lope dou­ble-stamped in hon­or of its heft. The card was...

Writer, Meet the North Cascades Institute

“I feel anx­ious.” A redun­dant admis­sion, if Joel glances from the wind­ing coun­try high­way to my white-knuck­led grip on my trav­el mug. “What if they don’t like me? What am I going to ask in this meeting?” Five months ear­li­er, I’d approached the...