Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener


The ocean got Hal­cy­on on Open­ing Day.  July 1, we had our gear in the water by 3:30. Five miles off­shore, it was windy that morn­ing. Chop­py seas, wet air, vis­i­bil­i­ty less than a mile, every­thing steely gray. When the first fish of the sea­son...


         The water was warm last sum­mer. Dixon Entrance to Sit­ka, South­east Alas­ka felt eeri­ly bar­ren – no bait, no birds. All July & August, the coho were skit­tish, unwill­ing to school up or set­tle into...

Coming Home

I wrote this for Fish­er­Po­ets Gath­er­ing 2019. All this time lat­er, I remain thank­ful for the deeply heal­ing gift of shar­ing these words with a com­pas­sion­ate audi­ence in the sacred space of Asto­ri­a’s KALA Gallery. Maybe it’s strange to post now,...