Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

We’re less than a week away from Ore­gon’s annu­al Fish­er­Po­ets Gath­er­ing, friends! The high­light of our win­ter, Fish­er­Po­ets is always spe­cial — this one espe­cial­ly so, as we cel­e­brate the 20th year of com­mer­cial fish­ing women and men from across the coun­try (and one from Bel­gium!) unit­ing to share sto­ries, poems, and songs cel­e­brat­ing our industry.

I usu­al­ly try to share some­thing about Fish­er­Po­ets here, want­i­ng to con­vey the mag­ic, want­i­ng to lure you to join us. This year, fel­low Fish­er­Po­et (and gift­ed writer, men­tor, and beloved friend) Pat Dixon has writ­ten such a per­fect expla­na­tion, I’d rather just send you to straight to his words. If you’ve been unde­cid­ed about mak­ing the trip or won­der what this “Fish­er­Po­et” busi­ness is, any­way, please read Pat’s per­son­al invi­ta­tion.

What I’ll say is this: those of you able to join us in per­son in Asto­ria this Fri­day — Sun­day, Feb­ru­ary 24 — 26, please do say hi if we’re in the same venue. But if you can’t make the trip? Some of us will come to you! Make a date to enjoy read­ings from the com­fort of your home, thanks to Coast Com­mu­ni­ty Radio’s gen­er­ous support.

Coast Com­mu­ni­ty Radio will broad­cast from the Asto­ria Events Cen­ter on both nights, Fri­day and Sat­ur­day, Feb 24 – 25, from 6:00 – 10:00pm PST. Tune in to live-stream the fol­low­ing Fish­er­Po­ets’ performances:

Asto­ria Event Cen­ter, Fri­day, Feb­ru­ary 24
MCs Jon Brod­er­ick and Jay Speakman

5 Curt Olson and Abi­gail Mar­tin, Broad­us MT
Dan­ny Keyser, Asto­ria OR
Annie How­ell-Adams, Fri­day Har­bor WA

6 Ryan and Kyle Lutz, Port­land OR
Pat Dixon, Olympia WA
Phil Lans­ing, Boise ID

7 John Palmes, Juneau AK
Bil­lie Delaney, Port Townsend WA
Kirk Lom­bard, San Fran­cis­co CA

8 Jon Brod­er­ick, Can­non Beach OR and Jay Speak­man, Gearhart OR
Wil­fred Wil­son, Delta BC
RK and Cher­ry Rice, Long Beach WA

9 The Browns­mead Flats, Asto­ria OR
Tom Hilton, Asto­ria OR
Don Pugh, Sno­homish WA
Erin Fris­tad, Port Townsend WA

Asto­ria Event Cen­ter, Sat­ur­day, Feb­ru­ary 25
MCs Rob Seitz and Tele Aadsen

5 Toby Sul­li­van, Kodi­ak AK
Mary Jacobs, Ophir OR
Moe Bow­stern, Port­land OR

6 Hobe Kytr, Asto­ria OR
Geno Leech, Chi­nook WA
Wayne Chi­men­ti, Port Townsend WA

7 Rob Seitz, Los Osos CA
Vic­ki Hor­ton, Port Townsend WA
Alana Kansa­ka-Sarmien­to, Port­land OR

8 Doug Rhodes, Craig AK
Mary Gar­vey, Seav­iew WA
Steve Schoon­mak­er, Kasilof AK

9 Mari­ah War­ren, Sit­ka AK
Rich King, Kilauea HI
Tele Aad­sen, Belling­ham WA
John Hag­ger­ty, Sea­side OR


Hope to see you there, friends.