Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

I told you about my first sched­uled per­for­mance at Fish­er Poets Gath­er­ing 2012, but I didn’t tell you what hap­pened next.

Dur­ing the break, a tall, kind-eyed man intro­duced him­self. Ifanyi Bell, dig­i­tal pro­duc­er with Ore­gon Pub­lic Broad­cast­ing. He want­ed to do a sto­ry about a green­horn per­former, some­one brand-new to the Fish­er Poets scene. Would I be interested?

I recalled the fall course I’d tak­en with edi­tor Brooke Warn­er. She’d reject­ed pro­pos­als based on the author’s nonex­is­tent plat­form, and urged us to start build­ing our online pres­ence before shop­ping our books. Would I be inter­est­ed? Ah, yes.

We met up Sat­ur­day after­noon in the Fort George Show­room, the same venue that I’d per­form in lat­er that night. Good for his film­ing goals, and a wel­come oppor­tu­ni­ty for me to get com­fort­able with the acoustics while rehears­ing that evening’s piece. (If you were in the audi­ence that night, you’ll notice that what I rehearsed isn’t what you heard. Abrupt change of plans a few hours before show time… But that’s anoth­er story.)

With floor to ceil­ing win­dows and brick walls, the for­mer car show­room was cold, but the com­pa­ny was warm. We bond­ed over our unique names, both famil­iar with using their mis­pro­nun­ci­a­tion to weed out tele­mar­keters. (If-ahn-ee and Tell-ah, BTW.) Delight­ful­ly per­son­able, he asked insight­ful ques­tions about the cul­ture of com­mer­cial fish­ing, sto­ry­telling, and where they inter­sect. Our inter­view re-rout­ed into an almost two hour conversation.

Ifanyi’s sto­ry went live on OPB this after­noon. Watch­ing the fin­ished video, I felt like I’d stepped into one of my favorite sto­ry­telling pod­casts. His gifts as an inter­view­er had been appar­ent, but see­ing the way that he pulled it all togeth­er was aston­ish­ing. Take a look, and keep an eye out for this man’s work. You can fol­low @ifanyi on Twit­ter.

Thanks, Tom Hilton, for this photo.

Seri­ous skills you have, sir… Much grat­i­tude for pro­mot­ing my work with such gen­er­ous artfulness.