Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

raven speaking from top of dock piling

Read & Listen

Watch Sus­tain­abil­i­ty, an excerpt from What Water Holds, shared at the Lib­er­ty The­atre in Asto­ria, Ore­gon, Fish­er­Po­ets Gath­er­ing 2023

The Working Boats Coloring Book

Working Boats Coloring Book

This rich­ly illus­trat­ed col­or­ing book, inspired by Tom Crestodina’s best­selling Work­ing Boats pic­ture book, is per­fect for col­or­ing enthu­si­asts of all ages who are curi­ous about boats and the mar­itime world.

Step into the fas­ci­nat­ing world of work­ing boats with this fun and gor­geous col­or­ing book filled with Tom Crestodina’s illus­tra­tions of intrigu­ing boats and live­ly mar­itime scenes. Col­or­ing enthu­si­asts of all ages will love bring­ing this world to life in full col­or. This col­or­ing book fea­tures 31 full-page illus­tra­tions for col­or­ing. On fac­ing pages, the book also includes infor­ma­tion about each of the draw­ings, with text by Fish­er­Po­et and essay­ist Tele Aad­sen, paired with small­er illus­tra­tions, which also wel­come coloring.

Avail­able Novem­ber 2023

I Sing the Salmon Home

For this unique col­lec­tion cel­e­brat­ing salmon, Wash­ing­ton State Poet Lau­re­ate and Lum­mi trib­al mem­ber Rena Priest gath­ered poems from more than 150 Wash­ing­ton poets rang­ing from first graders to trib­al elders, all inspired by the Northwest’s beloved, icon­ic salmon. A diverse cho­rus of voic­es, they join togeth­er in poems that praise salmon’s hero­ic jour­ney, beau­ty, courage, and gen­eros­i­ty and wit­ness the threats salmon face from pol­lu­tion, dams and warm­ing ocean

I Sing the Salmon Home


Hear­ing Voic­es, Com­ing Home, & The Sis­ter­hood, excerpts from What Water Holds

Read: Hooked

What Water Holds: Tele’s First Book’s Birthday!

Hi dear ones – Been a long while, friends. I hope you’re well. Last time we talked, it was to mourn Hal­cy­on the Destroy­er, Team Nerka’s too-bold-for-this-world adven­ture cat who left us too soon. Today I’m back to share hap­pi­er news. I’m thrilled to announce that my…


The ocean got Hal­cy­on on Open­ing Day. July 1, we had our gear in the water by 3:30. Five miles off­shore, it was windy that morn­ing. Chop­py seas, wet air, vis­i­bil­i­ty less than a mile, every­thing steely gray. When the first fish of the sea­son hit the deck, Hal was…


         The water was warm last sum­mer. Dixon Entrance to Sit­ka, South­east Alas­ka felt eeri­ly bar­ren – no bait, no birds. All July & August, the coho were skit­tish, unwill­ing to school up or set­tle into tra­di­tion­al­ly favored spots. With no hot bites to run to,…