Read & Listen
Watch Sustainability, an excerpt from What Water Holds, shared at the Liberty Theatre in Astoria, Oregon, FisherPoets Gathering 2023

Working Boats Coloring Book
This richly illustrated coloring book, inspired by Tom Crestodina’s bestselling Working Boats picture book, is perfect for coloring enthusiasts of all ages who are curious about boats and the maritime world.
Step into the fascinating world of working boats with this fun and gorgeous coloring book filled with Tom Crestodina’s illustrations of intriguing boats and lively maritime scenes. Coloring enthusiasts of all ages will love bringing this world to life in full color. This coloring book features 31 full-page illustrations for coloring. On facing pages, the book also includes information about each of the drawings, with text by FisherPoet and essayist Tele Aadsen, paired with smaller illustrations, which also welcome coloring.
Available November 2023
I Sing the Salmon Home
For this unique collection celebrating salmon, Washington State Poet Laureate and Lummi tribal member Rena Priest gathered poems from more than 150 Washington poets ranging from first graders to tribal elders, all inspired by the Northwest’s beloved, iconic salmon. A diverse chorus of voices, they join together in poems that praise salmon’s heroic journey, beauty, courage, and generosity and witness the threats salmon face from pollution, dams and warming ocean

Hearing Voices, Coming Home, & The Sisterhood, excerpts from What Water Holds
Read: Hooked

“I am going to work on a fishing boat.” Letters from Amanda, Part 1
Hey friends — Amanda is our special pen pal for the summer, as introduced in this post. I’m grateful to her for sharing her first-time fisherman perspective with us, and hope you’ll join me in welcoming her to our community here. Wednesday, June 20, 2012 Dear Hooked,…
“I Just Really Want to Go Fishing!” Introducing Amanda
I’m a nosy person. My social worker days allowed entry into others’ most private moments, while fishing’s mode of communication, the VHF radio, provides socially acceptable eavesdropping. The Backdoor Café’s elbow-close tables are just as handy for my voyeuristic…
FISH 2012: Call for Artists!
Here’s an exciting opportunity, friends… The University of Oklahoma School of Art and Art History wants your entries for their Fish 2012 International Art Competition. The theme is “art related to the culture of fishing,” and what that means is wide open to your…