Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

One of my ear­ly boat kid mem­o­ries is of my par­ents point­ing out the sleek schooner-troller Kar­mon Dee fish­ing along­side us on the drag.  “That’s Sen­a­tor Elia­son’s boat.”

I still remem­ber the new under­stand­ing born in my brain that day. Politi­cians could rep­re­sent their com­mu­ni­ties, take action for what they believed in, while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly exist­ing as “real” peo­ple.  They could even be some­one I might pass on the dock — a salmon-scent­ed, bro­ken-bod­ied, diesel-fin­gered fish­er­man devot­ed to the same liveli­hood as my family.

And devot­ed he was. Sen­a­tor Elia­son passed away on April 3, 2011, after a life­time of polit­i­cal ser­vice that demon­strat­ed his unwa­ver­ing com­mit­ment to Alaska’s wild salmon stocks.  He mod­eled a long-sight­ed vision of resource uti­liza­tion and con­ser­va­tion, a bal­ance of har­vester and pro­tec­tor that we’d do well to study.  You can read/hear an elo­quent remem­brance of his life here, thanks to Raven Radio’s reporting.

My heart goes out to his fam­i­ly and friends. Safe seas and good fishin’ to you, Sir.