Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

We’re back safe and sound, friends, and here they are — the first king salmon of our 2012 season!

We’ll take anoth­er day or two in Sit­ka before head­ing out to chase coho for the com­ing weeks, and I’m hop­ing to share some more detailed sto­ries with you before we leave. Mean­while, just want­ed to let you all know we returned safe­ly, and with a lot of grat­i­tude. After a nine-day open­ing of most­ly good weath­er, a well-behaved boat, excel­lent team­work, and some very lucky calls on where to go, we’re feel­ing very for­tu­nate. Thanks for your good wish­es; hope all’s been good for you, too, over the past few weeks.