Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

It’s Day Five of Alas­ka Book Week, bud­dies! I’m quite late in giv­ing you the heads-up (apolo­gies), but you can still join this annu­al cel­e­bra­tion of Alaskan authors and books: ABW 2012 is Octo­ber 6 ‑13.

In its sec­ond year, ABW is host­ed by the good folks at 49 Writers/49 Alas­ka Writ­ing Cen­ter. Thanks to gen­er­ous dona­tions by Epi­cen­ter Press and indi­vid­ual authors, they’re giv­ing away two books each day — just leave your answer to the dai­ly ques­tion on the ABW web­site or Face­book page, and you’ll be eli­gi­ble to win.

(I was delight­ed to win a copy of Fish­es & Dish­es last year. Not only is this a fan­tas­tic cook­book with great sea sto­ries, a few months ear­li­er a nasty wave had thrown a poor­ly closed bot­tle of mouth­wash all over the Nerka’s gal­ley — and all over my copy of the Marsh sis­ters’ beau­ti­ful work. Just as the song goes, some­times you do get what you need!)

It’s not too late to join the vir­tu­al fes­tiv­i­ties! Thanks for help­ing to spread the word, and best of luck to you in the give­aways. Much grat­i­tude to the lit­er­a­ture-lov­ing vol­un­teers who make this event an Octo­ber tradition.

My bed­side read­ing mate­r­i­al isn’t tow­er­ing quite per­ilous­ly enough yet… Which Alaskan authors/books would you put on a “must-read” list?